Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sponsor Match! COMPLETE!!!


We got 2 more sponsorships from Authentic Community Members Candida and Maria and we matched them and we completed our match program and it's great and we help the lives of 50 kids and their communities!


Candida and Maria haven't sent us there pictures yet but here are their likenesses:

Candida's Sponsorhip

Maria's Sponsorship

And here are their matches, Sherlyn and Bryan-John, both from the Philippines!

They're both helpful in personality. Bryan-John likes helping with chores, and Sherlyn likes fetching water.

Sherlyn, age 12 (Match #24)

Bryan-John, age 12 (Match #25)

Thanks again everyone who participated, or told someone about the program, or just read along with the blog. But don't leave yet, we'll have some other exciting things to post soon!

In fact, I will be compiling a major post to show all of the kids we've helped. Look for it in the next few days!